Evaluate your learners through assessments

With TrainerCentral's assessments, evaluate your learners' understanding of course content and measure the effectiveness of your online courses and training programs.

Personalize customer communication Evaluate learners using online test Evaluate learners using online test Evaluate learners using online test

Multiple formats

Create assessments in various formats ranging from traditional true/false and multiple choice questions to the depth of long-essay formats. Use image-based questions to reduce ambiguity and improve learner comprehension and engagement.

Multiple formats
Automated grading

Automated grading

Drop the practice of manually evaluating and grading individual learners' answers. Automated grading features such as object character recognition helps you configure the right answers to each questions, and grade your students' response in an instant.

Customized conditions

Enhance assessments by incorporating custom criteria, such as establishing a minimum passing grade, to ensure learners meet essential benchmarks before advancing in the course. You can also implement time limits to foster effective pressure management skills during tests.

Customized conditions
Advanced test settings

Advanced test settings

Incorporate elements such as negative marking and question shuffling to prevent learners from involving in plagiarism or guessing answers randomly. Allow multiple retakes of the test to provide learners with an opportunity to review the course concepts and correct any mistakes made on their first attempt.

Custom feedback

Craft post-test messages tailored to individual performance, and set up insightful explanations to appear when learners provide incorrect answers, enhancing their learning experience.

Custom feedback
Detailed reports

Detailed reports

Measure individual student performance by tracking their test scores and guiding them through areas of improvement. Use these insights to refine your teaching approach accordingly.

Mobile accessibility

Empower your learners to participate in assessments directly from their mobile devices using the TrainerCentral learner app.

Mobile accessibility

Evaluate your learners effectively
with online tests.

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